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After her mother’s death, Mona Achache discovers thousands of photos, letters and recordings, but these buried secrets make her disappearance even more of an enigma. Through the power of filmmaking and the beauty of incarnation, she brings her mother back to life to retrace her journey and find out who she really was.


  • 9.0 正片 吹哨人 雷佳音,汤唯,齐溪,吴彦姝,杨立新,王策,邢岷山,陈创,安地,王茜,付宏声
  • 5.0 正片 春画老师 内野圣阳,北香那,白川和子,柄本佑,安达祐实
  • 6.0 HD 风野郎 三岛由纪夫,若尾文子,船越英二,志村乔,水谷八重子,根上淳,川崎敬三,山本礼三郎,小野道子,神山繁,三津田健,潮万太郎
  • 5.0 正片 被嫌弃的松子的一生 中谷美纪,永山瑛太,香川照之,市川实日子,伊势谷友介,柄本明,黑泽明日香,荒川良良,柴崎幸,土屋安娜,奥之矢佳奈,谷原章介,武田真治,片平渚,宫藤官九郎,角野卓造,田中要次,木村凯拉,谷中敦,剧团一人
  • 8.0 HD 轮回 Amid,Keomany,Toumor,Xiong,Simone,Milavanh,Mariam,Vuaa,Mtego,Juwairiya,Idrisa,Uwesu
  • 7.0 HD 风景 Juraj,Paulen,Anton,Vaculík,Vilma,Cibulková,琼戈尔·考绍伊,Jirí,Pecha,Jakub,Rada,Lukas,Miskovic,Ivan,Martinka,马里安·洛布道,扬·克劳斯,Vera,Galatíková,Viera,Topinkova,Bayasgalan,Battsengel,Vit,Bednárik,彼得·布兹杜赫


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